So...thinking about NATURE...obviously it's what I's probably WHY you're reading this's probably WHY a lot of us are passionate about sustainability. Now mind you...I'm not an "off grider"...YET, for me (us) it's a process, and a desire...but remember, this is a blog about my JOURNEY, not my "finished Product"! With that being said...I begin this post!
Very soon, we'll be ready to move into our new homestead...(can you say GLORIOUS!) And I think about how my "everyday tasks" of being a Mom, wife, etc.. will change the way I have to do some things. It won't be "imaging HOW" I'll do'll be a forced matter of DOING IT! So, I felt no better time than the present to start experimenting with different products/tools/etc....and reporting my reviews as I go! You'll find a LOT of different things I'll try...some useful, some...well..maybe not so much!
One thing I think a lot about it HOW I look. I don't need anyone to tell me that "it doesn't matter how you look!" or "You're suppose to be a homesteader...throw on your overalls, put your hair in a ponytail, and get to work growing your greens and shoveling poo!" I'm sorry...I'm a GIRL, (Mature lady!) and I FEEL better when I look good! Sure..I don't mind lounging around in my pj's or oversized T-shirts, or even wearing my crocks to town!! But for ME...I LIKE TO LOOK NICE! So fooey on those of you that think those things don't matter! I like to look good because it makes me happy! So...there! Trust me...I can get just as diry/sweaty/nasty as any guy could...and love it! But there's still something to be said about cleaning myself up real fine! So...with that being said, I'm going to start my review of my first product!
Why I wanted to try it:
1. Because I want more natural products, and less GUNK in my hair!
2. Going from city water/city sewer to a well and septic...I'm concerned about all the SOAP products going into the ground.
3. If it's healthier for my hair, and will help me grow it back out (so I CAN do a nice ponytail) I'm all for it!
So here it is: HAIR ONE
Check out the link, and get the details so as to save time putting the information of it on here. For those that don't want to click on the link...basically, it's cleansing conditioner made with all natural products, contains NO sulfates, and no detergents. IT WILL NOT SUDS! It's just like WEN, but at a fraction of the cost! You can buy it at Sally's Beauty Supply for $10.99. They claim that the longer/more you use it...the better condition your hair will be! So...I'll begin on Day ONE, and as not to appear redundant, will only post updates to the review on a monthly basis!
I bought the Jojoba for color treated hair...(oh COME ON!!! REALLY???) I may be a natural blonde...but me a blonde that doesn't improve on her color??? Anyways...I tried it for the first time today! I followed the directions to a T! It wasn't long before the natural elixirs started tingling my head!!!! Kinda like when you put VICKS up your nose! hehehe BUT without the "nasty" smell! Very Sweet smelling! Left it on for the suggested time and longer, rinsed REAL well, towel dried, then blew it out with a large round brush!
Results? Wow...I am amazed! Hair has more shine, more body, and even the color looks BETTER! Very soft too! I'm loving this! I always say...the proof is in the ongoing testing will need to be done! So...with that being said. My first "product review" is complete! Short...sweet...and to the point! I'll put up some videos of products I'm trying...or want to try. I go!!! (as I exit the room swishing my "FULL OF BODY" hair from side to side and whip it to the side for a little "exit wink"! ;)
Day 1: The Beginning of My 6-Day Fast
2 months ago